National Park Week: Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is one of the most popular National Parks. At least it seems that way if you ever try to reserve a campsite less than six months ahead of time. Because of its popularity, I had to include a photo of Yosemite in our National Park Week celebration.
The park was once the stomping ground of John Muir, one of the champions of wilderness preservation, back when the National Park idea was just getting started. It ranges from the Hetch Hetchy area to the north and Sequoia trees to the south, encompasing gorgeous mountains, rivers, waterfalls and fields in between.
This photo captures the iconic Half Dome of Yosemite National Park the morning after a surprise spring snowstorm.  At least, my family was surprised by it, we hadn’t packed any coats. As you can see the area is beautiful, no matter what the weather may be.
For more photos by Mountain Dad click here.






National Park Week: Yellowstone National Park

For the second installment in our National Park Week photo celebration, I thought I’d post one of the most unique photos of Yellowstone National Park I’ve ever seen. This photo is a close up of the Grand Prismatic Spring near Old Faithful. The bright colors in this hot spring are truly amazing. I’ve never seen water so blue apart from the beaches in Hawaii.

Without a doubt, Yellowstone National Park is an amazing place.  The first of the National Parks, Yellowstone boasts a wide variety of attractions. Whether you’re interested in geysers, waterfalls, hot springs, rivers, wildlife or volcanic beauty, Yellowstone has you covered. I could live there full time and not see all there is to see. I hope you enjoy!

To see more of Mountain Dad’s photos click here.

National Park Week: Arches National Park

Mountain Dad and I have visited approximately fifteen National Parks and Monuments over the eight years of our marriage. That’s about two each year, but we’d love to visit more. This week, we want to share our love of the outdoors with you in a very special way, since this is National Park Week. In honor of this special week, I will be posting a photo from various National Parks every day, Sunday April 21, 2013 to Saturday April 27, 2013. I hope you enjoy these beautiful images, and don’t forget to visit your local National Park as well!

I’d like to start things off right with a photo of Delicate Arch in Utah’s Arches National Park. This iconic arch can be seen on state liscence plates, but might I suggest you see it in person instead? Arches is a beautiful, barren area near Moab, Utah with hundreds of red rock arches to enjoy.  I particularly liked seeing this arch at sunset, because the colors of the the setting sun illuminate the red with golden light. Enjoy!
For more photos by Mountain Dad click here.

Tips for Tots on Road Trips

If you’ve ever been trapped in a confined space with screaming children, you know how terrible traveling with kids can be.  Planning ahead can make road trips with tots more fun for both the kids and parents. These seven traveling tips will help keep everyone in your car stay happy.

1. Timing is Everything – Chose your departure time wisely.  When I was young, my parents would load everyone in the car for road trips at the insanely early hour of four am. They were morning people, and we kids would sleep along the way.  Although I can’t bring myself to wake up that early, I do plan my travel times around little g taking a nap on route.  That way there’s one less person for me to entertain while trying to drive.

2. Something Old, Something New – Entertaining kids on long trips is not always easy.  One thing I do is bring a new toy along with us. Even if I just went to the dollar store, or got happy meal toys, the newness of the item is usually enough to hold their attention for a while. Also, if your kid has a favorite toy they can’t live without be sure to bring that as well. Just make sure you bring toys that aren’t messy. No markers or playdoh! This photo is from a trip when I let Big E bring along a styrofoam block he had been playing with.  Needless to say, we both regretted that choice.

3. Technology – I’m a big fan of my Kindle Fire and iphone when it comes to road trips. Kindle Fire has a Kindle Free Time App specifically designed for kids, that has access to tons of books, games and videos. The best part of the app are the parental controls which allow you to set time limits for total screen time. If nothing else, the tots love watching movies on the devices, and I love them not screaming, “I’m bored!”

4. Music – On a recent four hour drive, I was desperate for a new distraction. So, I put on some toddler tunes and I kid you not, for a full hour both Big E and little g listened intently to songs like “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “You Are My Sunshine.” Even on short trips around town we often sing together, and it can be even more fun to make singing a game. The SONG game (similar to the board game Encore) makes thinking up new songs a competition. A topic word is chosen, river for example, and teams go back and forth singing songs with that word in it until one team is stumped. Hint: the word LOVE can last forever.

5. Games – Old fashioned car games can always be a good option.  I like the Alphabet game, where you search signs, license plates and billboards for all the letters in the alphabet. Also, I SPY and 20 QUESTIONS can be fun.

6. Food – Don’t forget the snacks! I like to bring some healthy snack options, like fruit and yogurt in a cooler, but that’s not all I bring.  Part of the fun of road trips for me is eating treats along the way. Don’t skimp on the snacks when you’re stuck in the car with tots. Yes, your backseat will be covered with crumbs by the time you reach your destination, but a little vacuuming is better than cranky kids. I also bring water bottles with sippy tops for every family member to use throughout the trip, that way spills are limited.

7. Breaks – Don’t be afraid to stop along the way. I try to plan a twenty minute ‘run around’ time around gas station and food stops. Yes, it will take you longer to get to your destination, but kids need to move around, and parents do too.  One note on bathroom breaks – to limit bathroom breaks make sure everyone uses the facilities before leaving and limit liquid intake to twenty minutes before your next scheduled stop. On the drive home from our last vacation, Big E had to stop three times in one hour so he could pee! Although I was annoyed at having to stop so often, I suppose it was better than cleaning up a backseat soaked in urine.

I hope these tips for tots on road trips is helpful.  Happy Trails and let me know what outdoor adventures you’ve got planned!