Bike Riding Adventure

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Big E, little g and I tried something new on this one.  I decided to use our bike trailer that has been sitting on our back porch all summer.  I tried this once in the spring but little g was just too little to enjoy it.  At least I assume that’s what she was trying to communicate with her incessant crying.  On this adventure I planned ahead a little more with toys, snacks and distractions all of which helped it be a success.
We started at the Bridal Veil Falls parking lot.  Unloading the bike and trailer by myself was awkward but doable, unlike the very first steep section of the path.  Did you know that towing an extra 50 pounds of trailer and children makes you ride a lot slower?  Well, you do now.  I don’t want to discourage anyone from trying this themselves so be assured that I only had to walk a short while – the rest of the trail to Vivian Park was flat, smooth and along the beautiful Provo River.
We took a picnic, rode 30 minutes to Vivian Park and played and at on their playground.  It was the perfect amount of strapped in time compared to out running around time.  The day was beautiful, the path shady, the river and Bridal Veil Falls were awesome.  All in all a perfect late summer activity.
Later, at home we found a cool caterpillar too.  It’s the fuzziest thing I’ve ever seen and is perfect for Halloween with its black and orange coloring.  We brought it inside in a cardboard box and within an hour found out that caterpillars can climb out of cardboard boxes.  It is now lost in my house somewhere, probably dead, poor guy.  If I ever find it I’ll let you know.

Author: Mountain Mom

Hi! I'm Mountain Mom. I live with my husband and three young kids near the mountains in Idaho. When we're not hiking, biking, skiing and camping, I like to spend my time doing Mom stuff and reading.