Cross Country Skiing with Kids

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Last week I decided to take the tots cross country skiing. And I learned something. Cross country skiing with kids is tough. Thanks to the help of the Sundance Nordic Center staff I was able to get some of these photos to share with you.  Here are some thoughts from the day.

Lowered Expectations

First, for some reason I was not expecting Big E to have such a hard time. I don’t know what I was thinking, but it’s no surprise that an almost 4-year-old with no previous experience spent a lot of time on the snow and less time on the skis.

There were some times where Big E was able to stay up, thank goodness for groomed tracks!


Royal Treatment

Second, little g was obviously too young to be on skis herself so she got the posh treatment and rode behind me in the chariot.  You would think that being pulled along in a beautiful winter wonderland would’ve been a happy experience for little g but her freezing cold hands prevented her from truly enjoying it.

The three of us went out on the trail, through the beautiful woods.  We glided, slid, fell and had fun all while little g vociferously complained.  Too soon she encouraged us to turn around.


Cross Country Skiing with Kids

Although Big E spent a lot of time on the snow he said he liked cross country skiing and would like to go again.  I would also like to go again, but not necessarily by myself.  One adult per child would make everyone’s lives happier.



Big E’s favorite part?  Seeing the big groomer machine.  He talked about it on the trail the whole time.


Little g’s favorite part?  When it was over.


Until next time…




Author: Mountain Mom

Hi! I'm Mountain Mom. I live with my husband and three young kids near the mountains in Idaho. When we're not hiking, biking, skiing and camping, I like to spend my time doing Mom stuff and reading.