Navajo Trail, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

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Navajo Trail trail offers the essence of Bryce Canyon National Park’s amazing red rock formations in a short spectacular trip. Starting at Sunset Point, the 1.3 mile loop winds through high cliffs, past beautiful vistas and down red orange trails into the belly of the hoodoo beast.
The tots and I started this hike from above on the rim trail, where views of the canyon can be seen for miles. Big E started down the Navajo Trail, along with a stream of other hikers. Because of Navajo Trail’s short, quick access to these amazing rock formations, it’s a popular day hike in the park.

I can see why. The red cliffs rose quickly as Big E and I descended the trail. Through tunnels and red rock we enjoyed the beauty of the land. There were some steep drop offs on the series of switchbacks we descended and a steep climb up on the way out. Unfortunately, we ended the hike prematurely thanks to a diaper bomb set off by little g.
I would’ve loved to explore this beautiful area more. Can’t wait for our next visit.
Navajo Trail
Length: 1.3 miles round trip
Time: approximately 2 hours thanks to some steep sections
Tips: Don’t forget your camera, there are beautiful photo spots on this trail.

Author: Mountain Mom

Hi! I'm Mountain Mom. I live with my husband and three young kids near the mountains in Idaho. When we're not hiking, biking, skiing and camping, I like to spend my time doing Mom stuff and reading.