Birdsong Trail – Hiking with Kids, Ogden, Utah

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I’m always on the lookout for new excursions with the tots. On a recent trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa we went on an outing to the Birdsong Trail at the mouth of Ogden Canyon in Utah.

This one mile out and back trail was great for hiking. Little g, who decided the only way she’d be going would be by stroller, was not a great hiker, but I was surprised with how sturdy my cheap umbrella stroller proved to be. For most of this dirt and rock path I was able to manhandle it into cooperating, which was way better than manhandling my daughter into cooperating.

The trail is great for mountain biking too. In the parking lot I heard two bikers exclaim “Wow, I could do the Birdsong Trail and Rainbow Loop five more times. It was so fun.”

Our family went with cousins to explore the trail, which vacillated from amazing views of the valley to lush jungle mode. I had no idea Ogden, Utah could be so lush. And there were definately birds tweeting from the trees, I was not surprised by the name of this trail. All in all the mile long out and back hike was a great one with young kids, fairly level, with running water and animal sounds. It was a great time had by all.

Birdsong Trail Hike:
Getting there: The south trail head is located at Fillmore Ave and 20th Street. The north trail head is in the northwest corner of the Rainbow Gardens parking lot at the mouth of Ogden Canyon.
Distance: 1 mile out and back
Difficulty: Easy
Tips: Take a camera, there are some great views from up there!

Author: Mountain Mom

Hi! I'm Mountain Mom. I live with my husband and three young kids near the mountains in Idaho. When we're not hiking, biking, skiing and camping, I like to spend my time doing Mom stuff and reading.

One thought on “Birdsong Trail – Hiking with Kids, Ogden, Utah”

  1. Wow ! beautiful views and kids really had fun. Thanks for sharing, for toddlers 2.5 y/o + up to 60lbs, try Piggyback Rider – a standing child carrier and you'll surely enjoy outside with them. 🙂

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