More than S’mores – Camp Cook Week Day 3

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UPDATED MARCH 2018 Welcome to Camp Cooking Week! Today we’re talking s’mores and all the other foods you can roast over a fire. Savory s’mores anyone?

We’ll be cooking outdoors all week long so come back tomorrow for more outdoor cooking tips and tricks.

Day 3 – Backyard Bonfire 

Cooking over a fire is perhaps the most thought of form of camp cooking. Whether you wrap up food in tinfoil and stick it in the coals or stab it onto a stick and roast it over the flames, food cooked over a fire is delicious.

Rosating marshmallows over a campfire
S’mores are a must have when camping out, but they’re not the only thing to cook over a fire. Last weekend a friend of mine invited me and the tots to a fun family birthday party. Her husband and son have the same birthday so in order to accommodate both kids and adults she planned a backyard bonfire. Fun for all!

More than S’mores

At this birthday party my friends served so much more than s’mores. Typically when I think of s’mores I think of a roasted marshmallow and square of chocolate squished between two graham crackers. But there are so many other tasty foods that can be roasted and sandwiched together!
Try these variations next time you make s’mores for some outdoor cooking deliciousness.
  1. Chocolate grahams
  2. Shortbread cookies
  3. Mint grasshopper cookies
  4. Cookie butter spread
  5. Nutella
  6. Peanut butter
  7. Almond butter
  8. Berries
  9. Ice cream
  10. Flavored marshmallows

Savory s'mores

Savory S’mores

In addition to a table of sweet treats, my friend prepared something I had never heard of before – SAVORY S’MORES. Imagine cheeses wrapped in meat slices, savory crackers and pretzel chips.

I’d never had savory s’mores before, never even thought to have them, but once I saw the spread I knew the idea was fantastic. Wrap a mozzarella ball in a slice of ham and roast it into a tasty ball of goodness. Yum.

Try these ingredients to make delicious savory s’mores

  1. Pretzel chips
  2. Crackers
  3. Bread
  4. Rolls
  5. Tortilla Chips
  6. Cheddar squares
  7. Mozzerella balls
  8. Cheese spreads
  9. Sliced ham
  10. Salami
  11. Roasted Turkey Breast
  12. Deli Meats
  13. Button Mushrooms
  14. Onion
  15. Red, Orange, Green and Yellow Peppers
  16. Marinara Sauce
  17. Barbeque Sauce

Outdoor Cooking Challenge

Now that I’ve tasted of the goodness of savory s’mores, it’s one of my favorite outdoor meals to prepare. In fact I included it as one of my 30 outdoor meals in 30 days I prepared as part of my camp cooking challenge.

If you want to learn some easy camp cooking tips, join my FREE challenge. Not only will you get outdoor inspiration right to your inbox, I’ll also send you my family’s actual 3 day/2 night camping menu, an exclusive video on how to make the perfect camp cookfire and a checkoff list of everything you need in a camp kitchen.

Sign up right here in this box:

What foods have you tried roasting over a fire? Leave a comment, post a photo in the FREE Helping Families Explore Outdoors facebook group or tag me on instagram. Come back tomorrow for more Outdoor Cooking!

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Camp Cooking for Beginners – Everything you Need to Know
Dutch Oven Cooking for Beginners – Camp Cook Week Day 1
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Author: Mountain Mom

Hi! I'm Mountain Mom. I live with my husband and three young kids near the mountains in Idaho. When we're not hiking, biking, skiing and camping, I like to spend my time doing Mom stuff and reading.